Get Billing Transactions

Get list of all transaction eligible for billing in a given month for a merchant.

Url transaction/billing
Method GET
Headers See common headers. No data is posted so the Content-Type header can be excluded.
URL Params
Name Type Description
year int The year identifier for the month you would like to pull the list of billable transactions for.
month int The month identifier for the month you would like to pull the list of billable transactions for.
userid guid A valid user identifier who has billing admin rights for the authenticated merchant.
Data Params N/A
Response Object
Name Type Description
transactions object A collection of transactions with supplementary information.
Total decimal The total value of transactions in the collection.
count int The count of transactions in the collection.

Transactions Object

Name Type Description
items transaction[] Collection of transaction objects.
count int The count of transactions in the collection.
pageCount int Count of pages in the collection.
totalItemCount int The count of transactions in the collection.
pageNumber int Page Number if the results were paginated.
pageSize int How many items are included per page.
hasPreviousPage boolean True if there is a previous page to this one.
hasNextPage boolean True if there is a page after this one.
isFirstPage boolean True if this is the first page of a paginated collection.
isLastPage boolean True if this is the last page of a paginated collection.
firstItemOnPage int Record number of the first item in the collection.
lastItemOnPage int Record number of the last item in the collection.

Transactions Object

Name Type Description
id guid Unique transaction identifier.
merchantCode string Merchant Code of the transaction.
siteCode string Site Code of the transaction.
siteName string Site Name of the transaction.
bankFromName string Name of the bank from which the EFT originated.
bankToName string Name of the recipient bank.
amount decimal Value of the transaction.
bankReference string Bank reference of the transaction.
status string Transaction Status.
toAccount string Account number EFT was made to.
fromReference string Payer Reference.
toReference string Payee Reference.
paymentDate datetime Date payment was affected.
paymentDateUtc datetime UTC date payment was affected.
createdDate datetime Date and time the transaction was created.
createdDateUtc datetime UTC Date and time the transaction was created.
transactionReference string Transaction Reference
optional1 string
optional2 string
optional3 string
optional4 string
optional5 string
customer string Name of the customer on the payment request
subStatus string Transaction Sub-Status
Request Example
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer x8EMsgirq_74gw1...Pjddl-FW3vumkyTG0GfXudO9U
Response Example

    "transactions": {
        "items": [
                "id": "79f73fe1-f98a-4bbf-b835-8905731a29fa",
                "merchantCode": "TestMerch",
                "siteCode": "TSTSTE0001",
                "siteName": "test site",
                "bankFromName": "Demo Bank",
                "bankToName": "ABSA",
                "amount": 0.01,
                "bankReference": "",
                "status": "Complete",
                "toAccount": "12345678910",
                "fromReference": "test site",
                "toReference": "Test1",
                "paymentDate": "2019-04-02T11:29:10.947",
                "paymentDateUtc": "2019-04-02T09:29:10.947",
                "createdDate": "2019-04-02T11:27:06.097",
                "createdDateUtc": "2019-04-02T09:27:06.097",
                "transactionReference": "Test1",
                "optional1": "1",
                "optional2": "2",
                "optional3": "3",
                "optional4": "4",
                "optional5": "5",
                "customer": "Test Customer",
                "subStatus": "Unclassified"
                "id": "3f1ff77f-986a-443c-8357-1dc48d8ee383",
                "merchantCode": "TestMerch",
                "siteCode": "TSTSTE0001",
                "siteName": "test site",
                "bankFromName": "Nedbank",
                "bankToName": "Nedbank",
                "amount": 0.01,
                "bankReference": "20190402/NEDBANK/002118563618",
                "status": "Complete",
                "toAccount": "1148172386",
                "fromReference": "test site",
                "toReference": "Test1",
                "paymentDate": "2019-04-02T11:44:45.113",
                "paymentDateUtc": "2019-04-02T09:44:45.113",
                "createdDate": "2019-04-02T11:42:56.043",
                "createdDateUtc": "2019-04-02T09:42:56.043",
                "transactionReference": "Test1",
                "optional1": "1",
                "optional2": "2",
                "optional3": "3",
                "optional4": "4",
                "optional5": "5",
                "customer": "Test Customer",
                "subStatus": "Unclassified"
        "count": 2,
        "pageCount": 1,
        "totalItemCount": 2,
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageSize": 2,
        "hasPreviousPage": false,
        "hasNextPage": false,
        "isFirstPage": true,
        "isLastPage": false,
        "firstItemOnPage": 1,
        "lastItemOnPage": 2
    "total": 0.02,
    "count": 2