Step 4: Check Bulk Job Status

To retrieve the status of a bulk job, execute the following API request. Keep in mind that the query is limited to a 7-day historical window. Utilize the provided job reference when making this API call. Additionally, authorization headers are required for this request.

Get Bulk Job By Reference

Url secure/bulkpaymentrequests/getbulkjobbyreference?reference=demoreference
Method GET
Headers See common headers. No data is posted or returned so the Content-Type and Accept headers can be excluded.
URL Params
Name Type Description
Reference String(100) Use the Job Reference that was used when creating a new bulk job via Create endpoint
Data Params N/A
Response Object
Name Type Description
JobId Guid Id which the job is identified in the system
DateCreated DateTime The time when the submission was accepted
DateModified DateTime Time which the job got the last status update
JobStatus string The current Status of the Job accepted
JobReference string The JobReference provided during submission of the Job
NotifyUrl Url The notification Url provided during submission of the Job
Request Example
Authorization: Bearer jsK94mgvz17ZvZBOh...qWbRZ7HF2dbJ_T-tTo
Response Example
   "JobStatus": "Complete",
   "JobReference": "22f657c14b404463b7afc76ad4cb2a41",
   "JobStatus": "Complete",
   "JobReference": "22f657c14b404463b7afc76ad4cb2a41",

Request Example

Request Example
Authorization: Bearer jsK94mgvz17ZvZBOh...qWbRZ7HF2dbJ_T-tTo

Response Example

Response Example
		"JobStatus": "Complete",
		"JobReference": "22f657c14b404463b7afc76ad4cb2a41",
		"JobStatus": "Complete",
		"JobReference": "22f657c14b404463b7afc76ad4cb2a41",