Step 1: Check Payout availability (optional)

Even though this step is optional, it is highly recommend in order improve the customer experience and display available payout processing times.


Before you start

N.B. Please ensure that the relevant SiteCode and ApiKey are included in the headers for all requests to the Payouts endpoints


A successful call will return a list of available payout time slots. Each available payout time slot is represented by an Availability object, which is described as below. Note: interval time only applies to interval type batches.

Property TypeDescription
SiteCodeString (50) A unique code for the site currently in use. A site code is generated when adding a site in the Ozow merchant admin section. [Please contact support for SiteCode - [email protected]]
DayTypeIntThe day type. Possible options are:
• Weekday
• Weekend
• PublicHoliday
FromTimeDateTimePayout availability starting time.
ToTimeDateTimePayout availability end time.
IsRtcBoolWhether the availability is for real time clearing (RTC) or not.
AvailabilityTypeIntThe payout availability type. Possible values are:

1. Available - the payout will be processed during the current day.
2. NextWorkingDay – the payout will be processed on the next business day.
3. NextDay – the payout will be processed on the next day.
BatchScheduleTypeIntThe payout batch type. Possible options are:

1. Scheduled - set times batches (e.g. 10am, 3pm).
2. Interval - ongoing interval based batches.
BatchScheduleTimeDateTimeThe next payout batch run time.
BatchIntervalMinuteIntThe frequency of payout batch runs, in minutes.