Refunds Integration

Refunds easy as that with our step-by-step guide


The Ozow Refund API allows you to instruct us to refund any EFT payments that were paid using Ozow.

Before getting started you will require the following:

  • Your Ozow merchant details:

    • Site code
    • Private Key
    • API Key
  • That Refunds have been enabled for all sites you want to do refunds for


Refund float

Ozow uses the funds you have loaded into your Ozow float to make refund payments.

Please click on the following link to top up your float balance:


The diagram below outlines the process flow that a standard refund will follow. These steps are explained in detail in the next few sections of this guide.

API endpoints



Common headers

All requests excluding the "get token" request require the following HTTP headers.

Property Type Req.Description
Authorization String (500) YesThe token generated using the get token method. eg. Authorization: Bearer [token]
Content-TypeString (50) NoThe format the response should be returned in e.g.
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
AcceptString (50) YesThe format the response should be returned in e.g.
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml
ApiKeyString (50)YesYour merchant API key [Please contact support for Key - [email protected]]

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