Step 3: Refund processing

Ozow will process the refunds as soon as possible. Payment will be made into the account from which the original EFT payment was made.


Once you receive a bank message that contains a transaction status the transaction has been concluded and the status of the payment can be determined. You can trigger the relevant actions on your system based on the payment status received.

Status types

0PendingThe refund request has been submitted and accepted.
1CompleteThe refund has been paid successfully.
2SubmittedThe refund has been assigned to a batch and is being processed.
3FailedThe refund payment has failed.
4CancelledThe refund has been cancelled before it was submitted.
5ReturnedThe refund payment has been returned because the account that was being refunded no longer exists.


Once the refund has either failed or been completed, Ozow will send a notification to the URL in the request.

RefundIdGuidThe refund identifier.
TransactionIdGuidThe transaction identifier of the transaction that is being refunded.
CurrencyCodeString (3)The refund currency. Will always be the same as the amount in the transaction.
AmountDecimal (9,2)The refund amount. The amount is in the currency specified by the currency code.
StatusStringThe refund status. See possible values.
BankNameString (50)The name of the bank the refund was paid to.
AccountNumberString (50)The masked account number payment was made to.
StatusMessageString (500)Message regarding the status of the refund. This field will not always have a value.
isRtcBoolTrue/False for refunds paid
via RTC
HashString (150)SHA512 hash used to ensure that certain fields in the message have not been altered after the hash was generated. Check the generate hash section below for more details on how to validate the response variables using the hash.

Notification hash check

Follow these steps to generate the hash check:

  1. Concatenate the notification variables (excluding the isRtc and hash fields) in the order they appear in the notification fields table above.
  2. Append your private key to the concatenated string. Your private key can be found in merchant details section of the merchant admin site.
  3. Convert the concatenated string to lowercase.
  4. Generate a SHA512 hash of the lowercase concatenated string.
  5. Compare generated hash to the hash value received.

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