Step 3: Get Banks

Get list of all valid banks for the request.

Table Template
Url /secure/request/create
Method GET
Headers See Common Headers. No data is posted so the Content-Type header can be excluded.
URL Params
Name Type Description
requestId guid The request identifier (Same as returned by the Create Request method).
Data Params N/A
Response Object
Name Type Description
requestId guid The request identifier (Same as returned by the Create Request method).
banks Bank[] The banks applicable to the request.
error Error Object If an error occurred this object will have details regarding the error.

Bank Object

Name Type Description
id guid The bank identifier.
name string (50) The bank name.
subBanks Bank[] Some banks have more than one login method, if this is the case one of the sub banks will need to be chosen as an option for the Create Transaction method.
Request Example
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer x8EMsgirq_74gw1...Pjddl-FW3vumkyTG0GfXudO9U
Response Example
            "name":"Standard Bank",
                    "name":"Standard Bank - Old",
                    "name":"Standard Bank - New",
            "name":"Capitec Bank",

Bank List

Bank selection screen can be completely customised and only preferred banks can be displayed. Using these values directly instead of the list returned by the Get Bank method will bypass any bank limit and other filtering setup in Ozow.

Below is a list of all banks and their identifiers, only banks that are marked with allow payments from can be used to create a transaction.

Table Template
Name Id Payments From Payments To
ABSA 3284a0ad-ba78-4838-8c2b-102981286a2b
Capitec Bank 913999fa-3a32-4e3d-82f0-a1df7e9e4f7b
FNB 4816019c-3314-4c80-8b6b-b2cd16dcc4ec
Investec 4b45be85-b616-4bd1-9027-f8fcf8f9af7b
Nedbank bf0561fd-4203-4a0c-9174-cb26fcd87a60
Standard Bank ad7d8da4-1723-4066-94bb-6662d845e483
Standard Bank New ad8127c6-316d-459c-adcc-e62a214251fc
Bidvest Bank 29c5ee92-46ec-4879-8ad9-5cd3f5502727
Mercantile Bank 9e1917ad-29d1-4d11-80b5-0f6c33ae1083
RMB cc08d678-09cb-49c8-bcd8-2ec9e3bd0a82
Demo Bank ba18699f-8f5f-497b-9bcd-445133076408