Terminate Transaction

Users should be given an option to cancel transactions or to change the bank they selected while on the login page.

Even though it might not seem completely necessary to instruct Ozow to terminate the transaction, it does help track customer behaviour as well as enable Ozow to make sure user banking sessions are not kept open any longer than necessary.

Cancel Transaction

Should be called when the user confirms that they would like to cancel the transaction or request.

Url secure/transaction/cancel/:transactionId
Method GET
Headers See common headers. No data is posted or returned so the Content-Type and Accept headers can be excluded.
URL Params
Name Type Description
transactionId guid The transaction identifier. The request identifier can be passed if the user has not selected a bank.
Data Params N/A
Response Object N/A
Request Example
GET https://api.ozow.com/secure/transaction/cancel/ab57d2a2-192e-
49da-a12d-c9c2362a856f HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer jsK94mgvz17ZvZBOh...qWbRZ7HF2dbJ_T-tTo

Void Transaction

Should be called when the user chooses to change the bank selected and hasn't logged in.

Url secure/transaction/void/:transactionId
Method GET
Headers See common headers. No data is posted or returned so the Content-Type and Accept headers can be excluded.
URL Params
Name Type Description
transactionId guid The transaction identifier.
Data Params N/A
Response Object N/A
Request Example
GET https://api.ozow.com/secure/transaction/void/ab57d2a2-192e
-49da-a12d-c9c2362a856f HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer jsK94mgvz17ZvZBOh...qWbRZ7HF2dbJ_T-tTo